Sarah's Completed Project :0)

I had posted earlier that we were going to do a project on the days of Creation.  I had posted an idea that I saw on Pinterest.  I showed the idea to Sarah, and we came up with a book.  We did our activity a little differently than the one I had seen.  She and I talked about the days. I wrote down what she said, and she copied it.  She drew the numbers above the sentences.  We looked together through magazines for pictures that would go with what was created on that day.  Sarah then took her pictures and made kind of like a collage on the number.

It was fun and not too hard - except for the extra help from our 3 year-old!  LOL!  I would love to do something like that again.  It was a good first experience with notebooking.  I think I will even try this with my older daughter with some of her studies!

As usual I try to find a little song to go along with the post.  This is a cute little song that I came across that would be fun to learn if you are studying the days of Creation.

Hope you enjoy looking at the pictures and hope you have a blessed rest 
of the day!

Love, Blessings, and {{hugs}}!!
:0)Chandra and Sarah






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