Getting Ready For School!

    Hello!  I am so excited to be writing to you, again!  It is almost mid-July and getting closer to the beginning of another year.  These are some things that I do to get myself ready for another year.  This year, 2023, is the beginning of my 23rd year of teaching (7 in a school and 16 homeschooling).  Here are some things to keep in mind and do before the first day.

1)  Declutter!!

I know that this is easier said than done.  Believe me!!  I love ALL my things.  That being said, the stuff that accumulates can rob us of so much.  It robs you of your peace, joy, and time.  So, begin in a small area and work on a section at a time.  Marie Kondo, a popular organizer and inspiration to me, has been an encourager to me with a statement that I heard.  "Does this spark joy?"  Read more on this site --  I know that you may be thinking that I am a fruit loop for even saying this, and you are right!  Hahaha!!  Seriously, I think she has a point.  If the items are not bringing you joy, you can get rid of it.  Either pass it on to a person or thrift store or throw it away.  In my mind if I haven't laid eyes on something in a container and the items don't bring me joy, I am safe to get rid of those items.  I give you permission!  Throw it away or give it away.  Don't let things hold you back!!

2)  Get Accountable!!

If you are new to homeschooling, look up online what you need to do to be accountable in your state.  Every state is different, so make sure that you look it up.  Find a group that will serve you where you are.  If you are okay with an online group, then use that.  If you like face-to-face, then find a group that does that.  Be yourself!  Use what group or person serves you well.  Look up the site of that group and get acquainted with what they do and how they do it.  Also, set up a way for you to get all the documentation that you will need in a spot so that when it comes time for your check-off, you aren't panicking because you weren't prepared.  This leads well into number three...

3)  Don't Procrastinate!!

Go ahead now and order your curriculum.  You will be so glad that you did.  Sit down now and think about what it is that you will need for the semester and order it.  Get a plan book and set it up.  Set up your area where you will keep your supplies.  Make a calendar for your events coming up and also a calendar that you can write on that everyone can see.  Have a central location and everyone knows where to look.  Make sure that you set time for your planning every week.  If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!

4)  Join a Group 

It is so important for you and your children that you get out and be around people.  It is not good for us to just stay home and not get out.  I don't mean that you have to have something every day.  Heidi St. John mentioned in her book and talk that having white space on our calendars is important.  We have to get school done.  That being said, we also need to have times that our families get out and experience life with other families.  Find people that you have things in common with and do field trips, crafts, service projects, etc.  It will serve you and your children well if you do.

5)  Set a Time For YOU!!

We are caregivers.  I know you have heard that story of the oxygen on the airplane.  To sum it up, they say that you are to put on the oxygen before you help someone else.  Why on earth would we not take time for ourselves?  We must do things that feed our souls.  Make sure that you do something fun once a week.  Do something that feeds your spirit.  Pray without ceasing.  Read God's Word!!  Listen to podcasts or music that lifts your soul.  Get outside and walk, run, or hike.  Have healthy food.  I am definitely not saying that you can't have chocolate or ice cream.  I am saying that for the most part, we need to eat good food that will support our immune systems and make us feel good about ourselves.  Drink water.  There are so many other things but take time to take care of yourself.

I know that there are so many other things that I could put on here, but these are five that I think if you follow some or all of the steps, you will be ready as you can be for your school year.  Begin each day in prayer and then carry that prayer throughout the day.  Jesus is there for you and God is carrying you every step of the way.  I always like to leave a song for you to listen to.  This one has become a bit of a life anthem for me, these days.  "He Will Hold Me Fast," blessed my heart.  My sister-in-law asked me to sing it for a ladies' meeting.  I hope it touches your heart as it did mine.  Take care and talk to you next time!!

Love, [[hugs]], and blessings!



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