Our Memorable 2015 Valentine's Day


  A typical Valentine's for most is to go out for dinner, a movie and have some flowers and candy.  Ours had the dinner and candy, but after that we went to our friends' house and practiced for a singing that we would have at our church.  It was late when we got home.  As we went up our hill, we came upon a bunch of emergency vehicles, fire and smoke.
  The first thing I thought was, "Oh Lord!  Our home is on fire!  Bear is in the bathroom!  Our things are gone!"  When we got over the hill, we were so glad to see that we were not losing our home.  Due to the high winds that had been blowing that day, a power line had come down and caused a brush fire.  That fire burned 6 acres! 
  We safely got into the house and began to find candles and flashlights.  We had to settle everyone in as best as we could - remember we have 5 children and that night had a friend spending the night :0).  We were too excited to get to sleep.  We took pictures and video of the firefighters and the fire.  It got really exciting when they started setting another fire to put out that fire.  The wind picked up and embers flew over into our yard.  At one point the firemen came over looking into our yard.  I was so glad that we didn't have to leave - it meant that we were safe.
  Everyone went on to bed, but I couldn't.  I wanted to stay awake and watch - I wanted to make sure the fire went out and that those men were safely on their way home or to the fire station.  I was amazed at how the fire got so big and then in no time went out, as if there had never been a fire at all.
  I wanted to take time to publicly thank our firefighters in Long Creek and also others who responded and the neighbor who called!  To think of what a loss our family and our neighbors could have suffered - it is too much!  The Lord is so good to our family and took care of everyone that night!!  I am SO glad that we have the blessing of these people!  I came across a song that honors firefighters from around the country. I am playing this on the "blog" to honor those men who were there that night for us.  I also came across this poem, "So God Made a Fireman."  I  got teared-up with both. These people do so much!  I hope that my words honor them.Firefighters Tribute: So God made a Fireman - YouTube   The Firefighter Song - Paul Cummings (Original Version 2009) - YouTube

Blessings, {{hugs}} and LOVE!!!

 p.s.  I am putting some pictures on here of that night - keep in mind this is across the street from inside our house.  They are really neat and scary at the same time.  I am so glad the Lord has called some to serve as firefighters!















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