The State of My Being

  I have been without a computer for a month!  I am laughing on the inside because I somehow managed to go through high school and a tiny space of college without one.  Amazing, I know!  And then couple that with a syndrome that I seem to have gotten -- short attention span -- or as one of my buddies calls it, "Squirrel!" -- equals not posting in June.
  Why does this matter to me?  Well, I have been posting here for over 4 years!  I know - it has gone by so fast.  It has been a fun-filled, eventful four years.  So where am I now, emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually?
  Emotionally-speaking, I am in a better place.  I still have some mommy-meltdown moments, but I am happy to say they are getting fewer.  I am still, sadly, set off by spills.  Silly, isn't it? But I tell you the moment a liquid or little tiny particles spill everywhere, I explode like Godzilla. I am almost 100% sure that I am not alone.  Let us take on the attitude from my mom, a lot of you know her as Bertie -- "Chandra, don't look at the spill as a mess but rather an opportunity for making a clean spot!"  Ever the glass is overflowing perspective :0)
  Mentally -- now I am almost laughing here.  Let me just share my children's ages and let you judge for yourself.  Savannah is turning 15 soon;  Siler is 12 1/2;  Sarah is turning 10 soon; Sully, our little guy with special needs, is 7 1/2; and then last but not least, Seth is turning 6! So, mentally I would say that I am here.  I hardly ever get time without someone calling me "momma," but that is really ok.  In fact it is part of the job.  Since we are out of school and I am letting them sleep in some, I am getting to watch shows and read books.  I am not sleeping in much so that the school year won't be a shock, but I have been sleeping longer on Saturdays. But, I don't like sleeping past 9.  I will share this bit of wisdom from a dear friend of mine.  I used to sleep in until the children were all getting up.  My day was awful!  I talked to this Momma Guru, and she told me that she always got up before her kiddos - unless she was sick. This made sense to me, so I have been doing this ever since.  So mentally, I guess I am okay :0) - LOL, better than  few years ago!!
  Physically, I am not better than a few years ago, but I am not giving up!  I have a support group of friends that while they aren't coming out and saying I need to lose weight, they are, in fact, helping me get inspired to do so.  One of my dear lifelong friends, the Momma Guru, is in the best shape I have ever seen her in.  She is healthy and happy - not perfect - but looking great!!  She is an inspiration to me.  I have other friends that are where I am, and they are not giving up either.  I have decided to change some things because what I am doing right now is not changing me.  I am not wanting to be a certain size but to be a healthier version of myself. That makes me feel like I am in a pretty healthy state of mind.
  Spiritually I know we will never be finished until the Lord takes us home.  I am going to church regularly, getting spiritually fed and renewed.  I am teaching Sunday School and working with our young fellas.  I love to get to retreats and conventions because they help me to stop and listen.  I leave my regular life and get to just go and rest in Him.  I don't do that as often here at home because my life is ultra busy.  However, I have scripture and encouraging words throughout our home.  Words from the Lord really help.  I especially love having them in the kitchen, or as so many call it the Center of the Home.  I like to have them there because not only does a lot of my life happen here, but sadly sometimes, a lot of complaining happens there. But, like in the other areas of my life, I haven't given up.  The Lord is right there with me every day, every step of the way.
  So, dear friend, this is just a glimpse of how I am today.  Lol, it may be totally different this time next year.  I want to leave you with a song to listen to, You'll Never Walk Alone by David Phelps.  It is just the song you need to hear, especially if you are in a challenging time.  I also want to encourage you to read Ephesians 3.  It is just wonderful and moving to me.  I found verses 17 - 21 especially moving --

17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,
18 May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;
19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.
20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,
21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.
  I hope you have a wonderful day and that the Lord continues to bless you and keep you and give you peace!

Blessings, {{hugs}}, and Love,


  1. I'd just like to say...
    "SQUIRREL! !!! "
    HEHEHEHEHE! I love ya!


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