Help for a Troubled Heart --

 One Sunday we were in our church service, and our Pastor ministered to my spirit.  He talked about how we could make it through difficult times.  I want to share with you some thoughts that I wrote down from Pastor Greg Marcus's sermon.  He read from John 14:1-4.  He mentioned how chapter 13 had just had the Disciples go through some pretty challenging things.  Things didn't look good for them, and sometimes, things don't look good for us.  The title of his message was "Help For a Troubled Heart."  He shared with us that we should learn to escape our fears.  I know that this is harder for some than others. Some of us have more challenges in this as we deal with anxiety or depression.  It can seem impossible.  Pastor Greg shared that when fear creeps that we need to seek help in the scripture.  Think about it! The very power that Jesus has can be ours, too.  We just have to seek Him and trust.  Isn't that so easy for me to type?  But in the scriptures that were shared, they tell us that we, as saved people, don't have to worry.  We just need to call out the name of Jesus and find rest in Him.  You know that when there are storms - whether we are in them or they are coming -- Jesus can calm either us or that storm.  Have you ever looked at trees that have weathered storms?  They amaze me!  I think as I look at them that they must be strong and have their roots grounded well to have gone through what they have.  Just talk to a friend that you know has gone through a storm.  If they are saved, they will say that God brought them through the storm.  In these storms it is easy for the devil to discourage us or make us fear even more.  At this time it is so important to remind him of his future and simply say the name of Jesus out loud.  He cannot stand hearing His name.  Next, Pastor Greg mentioned to lean on your faith.  In our times of a troubled heart, we can strengthen our faith.  We can simply believe and trust in Jesus. We can remember that even though we go through hard time, Jesus is always there.  Sometimes for growing purposes, He allows us to go through some hard times.  We may not always understand why God allows what He does, but one thing is for sure that He is doing things for our good.  He also may be refining us and getting things out of our lives that just don't need to be there.  Pastor Greg said this, "Things may look bad, but I've (Jesus) got this!  Believe me and trust me!"  God may be allowing you to go through a hard time so that you do fall.  Where do we go when we fall?  We are often on our knees and maybe have our hands and head down on the ground.  It is in this time that we may draw nearer to God and ask Him for His help.  A student friend of mine said that he doesn't get disappointed when he fails but rather uses it as a learning experience.  What a great perspective!  The last thought from Pastor Greg was to learn to envision your future.  If we fail to plan, we plan to fail!  I know we have all heard that phrase before.  It is so true!  If we don't think about what is to come and always looking back at what we did wrong, chances are we will not grow or change, let alone achieve or reach our goals.  In thinking along the lines of the message and a troubled heart, we must keep our eternity in mind.  Remember that this planet is not our permanent place of residents.  We are here until Jesus calls or comes.  The very thought that He, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, loves me and you enough to come and get us ought to stir our troubled hearts!  He loves us so much!  He is preparing a place for us!  Looking around our world in gloom and doom should make us excited!  It should cause us to be ready.  The future for a Christian should lift our troubled hearts!   I don't know about you, but I am ready in my heart to see Jesus.  I am not perfect and won't be until I get to Heaven.  I am going to keep trying to live out my days so that people will see Jesus.  I always like to end these deviotionals with a song.  This following link is Crystal Lewis singing "People Get Ready, Jesus is Coming."  It blesses my heart whenever I hear it!  I especially like the part that says, "So know Him well, know Him well!"

I hope that as you and your family continue in 2022 that you will seek your heart and see if it is troubled.  See what God can do in your life to help you get rid of negative things or even people.  I know this time in our world has been difficult.  But take heart, my friend, because He has already conquered death and the grave.  We just need to continue to teach our children in the ways of the Lord and reach out to those around us and see how we can be Jesus to them!  Remember in this year that Jesus came to serve and not be served!  Be encouraged, my friends, and keep on keeping on! 

Take care and God bless you all!! 


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