Where Did the Time Go?

We homeschool.  I figured if you know me, then you know we do.  We also have a daughter in Christian school and a son in public school.  I have been to homeschooling conventions and have heard people say you teach to the bent of your child.  I really agree with that!  I now have a graduate from high school 😅 and a rising junior, freshman, 5th grader, and fourth grader.  I have taught them all to read, write, do some math- with the help of a professor friend!!! - and various other things.  They, Lord-willing, will be good members of society.

But where has the time gone?  This August, my oldest turns her last teen year!  19!  Wasn't it just the other day she was riding in the car in her infant carrier?  I know we don't really want to go back, but I do know it seems like time flew by.  Did I teach her all she needs to know?  I doubt it.  I just hope that she keeps her walk with the Lord really close.  I guess that is where our faith comes in, doesn't it?  We can't worry over the future.  We can plan and plan we do.  But we must be flexible in our planning.  We don't want to be so rigid that we break when a plan doesn't come together.  I can't help but think of The A-Team when I hear that!  LOL- "I love it when a plan comes together!"  

But what do we do when our plans, and I mean those plans we poured our time into, fall apart?  I have sat under many pastors in my 47 3/4 years.  I have never once heard any of them say, "Curse God and die," unless preaching about Job and his wife and "friends."  Just the opposite.  They say to turn to Jesus and pray.  I know that is easier said than done;  however, I have found great solace in my prayers.  I have also told the Lord whenever something was really hard or unfair.  And you know what, I think it is good for us to tell Him because for 1, He already knows and 2, it helps us to get it out of hearts and off our minds.  I also say that when we are interrupted,  we get really frustrated,  but that is a whole other blog post!

I guess in my rambling, I am trying to convery to you that time is going to fly by because it just does - unless your a kid in the middle of summer break 😃.  I also want you to know that until we pray and ask for His help, chances are that we may fail.  We may succeed, too, because God is good, but isn't it always better to ask for His help?  And lastly, be kinder to yourself.  I definitely need to take my own advice here! 🥰  Know that with God all things are possible if it is His will for it to come to pass.  I read on the wrapper of a Dove chocolate a bit of wisdom I will impart.  "Things will be alright in the end.  And if it isn't alright, then it's not the end!"  So, dear friend, whether you are in the midst of a plan, a planning process, or a planning disaster, please know you are loved immensely but the One who made you!  Take solace in that very thought as our days slip into months and years.  Enjoy the time now and be working on your walk with the Lord.  He will guide and direct you all the way!

And as usual, I like adding a song to listen to and encourage.  I just love this song, "Almost Home," here's the link -- https://youtu.be/9lKdHXfpsFQ.  It is well worth highlighting, copying, pasting, and then listening.  

So, as I begin this new section in my life of growing pains where my kiddos turn into adults, pray for me.  I will surely pray for you!  Take care and have joy in the journey ❤. 

Sending love, blessings, and ((hugs)),


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