I have...Will you?❤

I just got done with teaching four classes this morning and was on my way home.  The song "So Will I " - here is the link - https://g.co/kgs/eivakK - came on the radio.  I just began to cry and praise the Lord as I drove on my way home.  In the song it speaks of obeying God and praising Him.  I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit.  When I got home,  I read the lyrics of the song.  This section touched me in particular.  Read this section of the song --
God of salvation
You chased down my heart
Through all of my failure and pride
On a hill You created
The light of the world
Abandoned in darkness to die
And as You speak
A hundred billion failures disappear
Where You lost Your life so I could find it here
If You left the grave behind You so will I
I can see Your heart in everything You've done
Every part designed in a work of art called love
If You gladly chose surrender so will I
I can see Your heart
Eight billion different ways
Every precious one
A child You died to save
If You gave Your life to love them so will I
Like You would again a hundred billion times
But what measure could amount to Your desire
You're the One who never leaves the one behind
Source: Musixmatch
What amazing love He has for me and you!  I just cannot fathom what my life would be like if it weren't for the sacrifice of Jesus!  He gave up Heaven for us!  He loves us with all of our faults and failures.  He loves us at our worst and our best.   I am so glad that I got saved early on in life.  But I have to say, whatever age or stage of life you are in, it is never too late to experience salvation!  Now is the time!  Bow your head and heart and ask Jesus to come in and save you and change you.  I know you won't regret it!  It isn't about rules or regulations but about trusting Him with your heart and life.  He has known you, my friend, from before your birth.  He has been there, even in your darkest time.  Won't you come to Him with your burdens?  There is NO sin He can't forgive.  And He will be there when no one else is.  Remember that He went to Hell and back for you. No one else will ever do that!  Trust and obey ❤.   I hope that you will!  Eternity is coming sooner than we realize.  Accepting Jesus now will solidify your place with Him.  It is absolutely the best thing you could ever do!
I hope you will let me know how I can pray for you.  I believe He answers our prayers.
Take time to listen to this beautiful song, too.  I thank the Lord upon every remembrance of you, dear friends!   I pray that the Lord keeps His hand upon you, blesses you indeed,  expands your borders and keeps you from all evil!  Prayer of Jabez in my words for you! 
Thanks for taking time to read ❤.   I hope you are blessed and that you bless others!
Take care-
Love, blessings and [[hugs]]!


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