What a Friend We Have In Jesus ❤

  What a friend we have in Jesus!  You ever think about that aspect of your relationship?  Do you ever think about what that means to be His friend or for Him to be your friend?  He loves us with a love that we just can't comprehend.  He thinks so highly of us.  He wants the best for us.  He wants to spend time with us.  We can do that by prayer and reading His Word.  

  So why does He allow hard things to happen?  Well, our Pastor has preached on this many times.  He shared that God gave us the ability to choose.  We aren't robots.  God created us in His image to walk with Him and to be His friend.  When sin crept into His plan, that changed things.  It brought in all the things that He had never intended.

  But you say, what about suicide or babies dying?  What about murder or horrible things that happen to innocent people?  Again, I have to go back and say that ultimately sin crept in and got a stronghold.  Let me address suicide, though,  because that is not often a person's sins that cause it.  I think it is often so much of life, within them and without them, becomes such a burden that they cannot go on.  This is where I believe that the close walk with Jesus steps in and can help pull someone out of that deep, dark pit of depression.  I won't say that is across the board.  But let me be clear, I know that we can't always know the heart of our loved ones.  There are some Christians that have committed suicide.  If this has happened to you and your family, I am SO sorry!  All I know to tell you is to draw closer to Jesus!  Lean on Him even more.  Talk to your pastor and good friends.  And we have to remember that if we ask and believe on Jesus to save us, that He does!  He completely saves us from past, present, and future sins.  And we must never tire of praying for our family and friends.  And listen to them! You may be that listening ear that changes the outcome.

  I know that Jesus loves me!  I know that He loves you!  He wants the best for you and your life!  He doesn't want you to live in the darkness alone.  He wants you to come out into the light!  He wants to hold you and laugh with you and cry with you.  He desires nothing more than to be your Savior,  to be present and to be praised!  If you choose to walk a life with Christ, you won't be disappointed!   You will have disappointments,  but you won't have to bear that burden alone!  

  I hope that this ministers to you somehow today!   I sometimes don't know where these entries will go.  I guess hearing on the news of a young man, a senior in high school, that took his own life weighed heavy on my heart.  It is so easy for us to walk around and not take time to listen to other people.  Remember that Jesus came to serve and not be served.  Let us not grow weary in doing the work that He has called us to do!  Let us take time to listen!   

I love you, whoever you are, reading these thoughts today!  I know this was a heavier entry, but it was on my heart!  I always like to leave a song, and this is a good one! 


Please talk to your pastor or friends if you are dealing with heavy feelings!  Tell it to Jesus!  Thanks for reading and spending time with me today!

Love, blessings, and {{hugs}} to you from me!



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