Let Your Heart Not Be Troubled...

Because if you believe in Jesus, you have nothing to fear!  And I do not say this with any agenda.  We are all in this time, this unprecedented time, of uncertainty together.  We are in the midst of an election that is not resolved.  We are still dealing with old Corona!  We are dealing with videos of people sharing their thoughts and even sometimes there own fears or their own conspiracy theories. 
I don't know what tomorrow holds -- but I know WHO holds tomorrow!  Do you know Him?  He is Jesus <3.  He is the Perfect One that came down from his heavenly home to save a wretch like me!  He spoke to saints and sinners  - He still is today.  If you read His Word, you will be able to know Him and know His heart!  I do believe that He wants us to love each other!  Yes, we are to love!  But, He also calls us out of our muck and mire into a world of Light!  How can we stay in our sin when He calls us to come out?  I do believe that He loves us with an everlasting love.  I also believe that if that love resides within us, why is there no change in our walk?  When we get saved, the Holy Spirit comes to us, too!  He is that small voice or feeling that nudges us along.  
I was listening to a podcast the other day, and they were talking about how none of us were good or could do good.  The only person who was ever good to walk this earth was Jesus!  He does good through us.  However, if we stay in our sin, if we continue to allow whatever the sin is to have a stronghold, we can't be as usable.  I'm not saying by any means that you never sin again after you are saved.  I am saying that there is a life change or a conviction to change.  If you are walking with Christ, there will be light on areas that we see need changed. 
I encourage you, as I do myself, to be in the world but not of the world.  Be so different that people just have to know what or Who it is that makes you be able to do what you do!  
And when it comes down to the election and Corona and the future - just remember that if you are in Him, He is in you!  He has gone to prepare a place for us!  We are here to spread the good news!  JESUS saves!
I always like to end on a song.  https://youtu.be/kXxlzjdsAsU
I just love to hear David Phelps sing!  As you listen, pray that the Lord will calm your fears, heal your hurts and carry you through your days!  He is alive!  He loves you!  Won't you surrender your heart to Him if you haven't already?  And if you are saved, tell the Good News to those around you!  
I love you, my dear friends and family <3!
I hope you continue on in the journey God has placed before you and that you will feel His peace and love! 
And as always, I wish you love, blessings and send you 《hugs》!
:0) love,


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