Hey! I am just checking in on you :0)

This was on the way down the mountain one morning -- I stopped and safely took the picture :0).

Hello!  I hope this find you doing well!  I am - and the rest of the family are still in our quarantine.  We only go out for food, parking lot church service, and work.  God has been so good and kept His hand on us!  I have told others that if you had to quarantine, it is so much better to do it here in America!  We have comfortable homes and food.  Even though we may have had times we have had to look for toilet paper, we are still much better off than some countries!
  So, up on the mountain at our house, it is gardening season!  Most of the time, I have left this to Benson.  But, this year, I have gone up with him more and helped him with weeding.  I am learning how to weed with a hoe -- I am NOT good at it yet.  I am so afraid that I am going to destroy the baby vegetables!  Anyway, we have planted a little but plan to plant the rest this weekend.  Some of you may know how our life is up here.  Some of you may not.  Let me give you a little update.  To date we have many roosters and hens, and my favorite, chicks!  We have a momma that has one chick, another with 5 chicks, and then another one sitting on 14 -- you read correctly -- 14 eggs!  So, when they hatch, I will have to post some pictures of them.  We also still have some rabbits, ducks, a pet pot-bellied pig, a dog, and a cat.  Here is a fun picture of Jack (cat) and Bear (dog).  They are both precious!  They definitely serve well on our farm!   
  I just wanted to let you know that as our days go by, and we eventually get back into a new "normal," I am, and have been, praying for you.  I hope that the Lord hears our prayers and heals our land!  I hope that we will be able to get back to seeing each other and worshiping with each other!  But until then, don't grow weary of doing good!  Keep checking on each other and seeing if there is a need.  We need to be good neighbors!  We can take this experience and really learn from it.  We can take to heart to love each other as Christ loves us.  We can take on a Servant's heart.  I think that I have seen that I need to be better prepared so that I can reach out better!  Haven't you all experienced this time of being checked in on so refreshing?  I have seen people pay for other people's groceries.  I have had people give us food and offered us toilet paper!  LOL!!  I will never forget the toilet paper shortage!  But, I think this situation has caused me to think.  Am I going to be better prepared next time?
  Are you prepared?  I think of that word, "prepared," and it makes me think of Heaven!  Are you ready if the time comes to meet Jesus, that you have Him in your heart?  I know that some people think they have all the time in the world.  Well, it doesn't take much to look around and see that some of us were caught off guard!  I would not want to be caught off guard when I stand before the Lord!  He loves us!  He gave up His Son to die for you and for me!  For the world!  I pray that as you read this statement that if you don't know Him, that you will call upon the name of the Lord Jesus and be saved!  All you have to do is believe, confess your sins, and ask Him to come into your heart!  He paid a high cost so that we might go free!  Pray this today!  You won't regret it!
  Well, I usually share a song with you all.  I just love this hymn, "Jesus Paid It All."  This is a version performed by the Newsboys!  It is excellent!  I hope you receive a blessing listening to it.  And as always, I am lifting you up to the Lord that He will protect you, provide for you, and keep you in perfect peace!  I am thankful that He loves us!  And, I love you!

Until we meet again...
{{hugs}}, Love, and Blessings!
:0) Chandra


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