So, How's it going?

Hey everybody! I have not posted on here since May of last year. A lot has transpired since then. As all of us are experiencing the staying at home because of this coronavirus, it has caused a different way of life for so many of us. I for one have had a little change in my life where my kids don't get to see other kids as often as they would like to. As we homeschool, it hasn't really changed my kids being around each other and myself, so that is still just a reality and our normal day of life.
However, I will say that I understand this is not other people's reality. This is something a lot of people say they could never do.  But I say to that person, you can do it and I guess you're being forced to do it. But we can do all things through Christ which strengthens us. One thing I will say about this circumstance is that it is bringing out the best in people. It is bringing out strangers helping strangers in the grocery line. It is having a person give you an encouraging word where you might be standing in line, afraid of the unknown, and wondering when life is going to get back to where it was.
I am missing two very important people's birthdays during this time. I am not going to get to be with my dad and my mom on their birthdays. That's hard. And I know that we could just focus on what we're not getting to do. But instead of that, let's focus on what we can do. What can we do that's going to make today a better day?  What  can we do that can help make a peaceful situation in our home? I know that there are going to be more difficult days ahead. We are just through day 1 of 30 days of not getting to be with our friends like we normally do. But, we can do other things. We can call each other on the phone and talk. We can text each other. We can FaceTime each other. My boys are talking with their cousins and playing games at the same time. My older kids are having meetings on zoom with other kids. So while, yes, this is not exactly how we want life to be, it is what it is. So, I want you to listen to this song and to take it at what it is. Remember the fact that there's a great big God!  That while there is chaos and uncertainty in our lives, with Him there is no chaos and there is no uncertainty. With God there is only peace. With God there is only order and complete knowledge of what is happening. I expect that there will be some amazing things that happen out of this. If anything, it's bringing we Christians, hopefully, to our knees more, praying more. I for one and thankful that I have all my children and my husband and this land that we live on. I'm thankful that we are going through this virus here in the United States. I know this was a long post. But, LOL, you now have time. You have this unusual gift of time. We always find herself saying I don't have time. Well, now you do. My prayers go out to the law enforcement, Hospital workers, EMS people, nurses, firefighters, teachers, you name it, I'm praying for you. 
This it has been a popular song and I hope it encourages you -- Mandisa's "You're an Overcomer.".
I appreciate you all so much reading these words, just my little thoughts. We are all well up here on the mountain as I hope you are down wherever you live. I do pray for you all daily! You all come to my mind at different times in my day and my walk. And all I know is that there's a great big God that loves us so much that gave his Son, Jesus, to die on the cross that we might be saved. And I believe that! I pray that you do, too! I love you each one and appreciate how you impacted my life over the years!
Love, {{hugs}}, and blessings!


  1. Chandra, I always enjoy reading your encouraging words! I love you my friend and I hope that you are hanging in there and are encouraged in some way also.
    love ya, Virginia

    1. Oh thanks!! Lol - Sarah and I were so excited to see I had a comment!! Hope all is well, with you guys, too! #alonetogether ❤️😂🤗


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