Getting Into The Word ❤️❤️❤️

Hey everyone!  I hope you are well today :0). If you are like us, you have been dealing with lots and lots of rain.  Can I say that I have really tried my hardest to not complain about it?  It is a lot of hassle to deal with - especially all of us that care for or teach children.  It is so hard because they can't go out and play.  So, yes, there have been Nerf wars in our house and more video gaming and TV watching, but I know that sun will come out sometime.  They will go out and play and build and work.  But until then, this momma is saving her sanity.
  But I didn't write this post to talk all about that lol!  I wanted to share a bit of the scripture I am reading.  Almost a year ago I was challenged by a wonderful speaker to change areas of my life.  I chose to try to get more sleep and read my Bible daily.  I have to say that the good Lord has helped me with those areas.  It is in His strength that I accomplish anything really.
  So I have this Bible that my mother in law let me have.  I have made an effort to not do much of anything else until I have read it.  If I miss a day, I don't skip the section but rather read that in addition to what I was to read that day.  Now you may be thinking, "I don't have time to read the Bible." Well, if you put it first, you will have the time.  I can't explain it, but I think the Lord expands my day when I put that first.
  This set of scripture above is a sweet set.  I have to be honest that I haven't studied the background of this, so I am not able to share the underlying meaning behind it.  I just know that when I read that first verse, it really speaks to me.  I truly long to spend time with God.  My day does not go well with me when I don't spend time with Him.
  In the 5th verse I love what it says.  We can rely on the help of the Lord.  And then in verse 8 it speaks of His loving kindness and His "night song shall be with me, and my prayer unto the God of my life." if we purpose to spend time with the Lord - by prayer and His Word and attending church, we will be near Him.  And it isn't to say that hard times won't come because they will.  It is just to know that we have access to a God that stays by us or carries us through those hard times.
  Are you feeling distant from Him or even others?  Don't allow that mindset to creep in and take over.  It is easy to give in to that sad, depressed state.  I encourage you to reach out to the Lord.  Cry out to Him and read your Bible.  We have a handbook for life and all its struggles right here.  I pray for you today and hope that you will not feel down and alone - because you are not!
  And as usual I love to leave a song link that goes with the post.  I just love Christian songwriters and singers.  I am thankful for their words ❤️.  This song, "I Am Not Alone,"by Kari Jobe, just blesses my heart, and I hope it blesses yours, too!

Blessings, {{hugs}}, and love,


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