January Musings

  I cannot believe that January is almost over!  It just seems like I put the Christmas tree up.  I actually don't mind it, though.  I am not a huge fan of the cold.  Benson is - he is what I like to call a "Human Heater."  LOL!  But I have to say that I do love the beauty of winter.  The ice on trees and the ground are pretty spectacular.  Our Australian Shepherd, Bear, loves the snow.  It feels good to him.  I guess it is like anything else where you can find the good in things.
  With January being the "Sanctity of Life" month, I have to say that I find good in it.  Sadly there are people in our world that do not agree with me on when life begins and abortion.  I do not see why we need to get rid of a baby.  I know that yes there are awful circumstances some people are in -rape, incest or perhaps the life of the mother.  With rape and incest as the case, I think the way the baby got here is awful.  No one deserves that.  That being said, it is not the fault of the unborn child that he or she was made in such circumstances.  In reading my Bible, I have been seeing how the Lord takes awful situations and brings good from them.   He can take the child of these awful times and bless a family that really wants a baby.  In the case of a mother's death, how do they really know that is going to happen?  Doctors will even site that this is not often a case.  I just think that the Lord can take care of these circumstances.
  Then people can say that they need to abort because of the health of the child.  Come on, people!  We are in 2019!  I just read where someone had a lung transplant and is living just fine.  We see people with Downs Syndrome thriving and making a difference in the world.  Take my son, Sully, for example.  They told us when I was around 20 weeks that he was not growing and moving like he should.  He was going to be possibly Downs Syndrome.  My husband and I began to pray.  We did not throw our hands in the air and say, "Well, let's just get rid of him."  I just could not.  Now I would love to say that he was born without any problems.  Quite the contrary.  He was born with a lot of disabilities.  He did not move much at all when he was in the NICU.  I truly didn't know whether he would live or die.  But that was not for me to say.  You see, I serve and believe on a BIG God.  I believe that He gives us circumstances that we can't handle to see just how He is going to handle them.  To this day, Sullivan is moving, living, breathing, and thriving.  He is blessing so many with his disabilities.  He is proving how big a mistake it would have been if we had decided - which we never would have - to end his life.

  I encourage you that if you are reading this and believe that abortion is okay, that you will stop and pray.  Ask the Lord to help you line your will with His.  Look at what we would have missed if we had believed in ending life.  If you are like me, like us, prolife, let us be bold in our stance.  Let us be vocal.  Let us pray but also be active.  I am praying that our country will turn from its wicked ways so that the Lord will heal our land.  He is a good Father and loves His children.  He only wants us to love and in return be Jesus to those around us.  Let us all pray and ask how we can serve in this difficult area.
  I know this is a heavy topic.  I do pray that one day people will open their eyes and see how truly cruel abortion is.  What we must do is trust in the Lord that no matter what comes our way, He will help us through.  When we do that, we give Him the control and don't have to make decisions.  Listen to this song and think about life, babies, and just how our Heavenly Father can take our circumstances that are bigger than we are and make something beautiful out them.

As always, I am loving you, praying for you, and virtually hugging you!


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