
Showing posts from 2019

Update on the Kerr Household:0)

Hello!  We are almost done with our school year.  This is year number 11 for us.  The kids will be in these grades next year - Savannah 11th, Siler 9th, Sarah 7th, Sully 5th year at Keowee, and Seth 2nd.  This has been a good year.  I feel like it has been a fast year.  So I have had a neat opportunity and started a job!  I am still homeschooling, but I am working with a company called VIPKID.   They are based out of San Francisco and Beijing.  I have this amazing opportunity to teach Chinese children English.   I started this in March.  I apologize for not posting and kind of falling off the face of the planet lol!  I have never worked a consistent job along with homeschooling and caring for the home.  It has been and still is an adjustment.   I think, though, this will be a wonderful thing for us. So that is an update on me and the children.  Benson and I will celebrate 21 years on June 6th!...

Getting Into The Word ❤️❤️❤️

Hey everyone!  I hope you are well today :0). If you are like us, you have been dealing with lots and lots of rain.  Can I say that I have really tried my hardest to not complain about it?  It is a lot of hassle to deal with - especially all of us that care for or teach children.  It is so hard because they can't go out and play.  So, yes, there have been Nerf wars in our house and more video gaming and TV watching, but I know that sun will come out sometime.  They will go out and play and build and work.  But until then, this momma is saving her sanity.   But I didn't write this post to talk all about that lol!  I wanted to share a bit of the scripture I am reading.  Almost a year ago I was challenged by a wonderful speaker to change areas of my life.  I chose to try to get more sleep and read my Bible daily.  I have to say that the good Lord has helped me with those areas.  It is in His strength that I accomplish anyt...

January Musings

  I cannot believe that January is almost over!  It just seems like I put the Christmas tree up.  I actually don't mind it, though.  I am not a huge fan of the cold.  Benson is - he is what I like to call a "Human Heater."  LOL!  But I have to say that I do love the beauty of winter.  The ice on trees and the ground are pretty spectacular.  Our Australian Shepherd, Bear, loves the snow.  It feels good to him.  I guess it is like anything else where you can find the good in things.   With January being the "Sanctity of Life" month, I have to say that I find good in it.  Sadly there are people in our world that do not agree with me on when life begins and abortion.  I do not see why we need to get rid of a baby.  I know that yes there are awful circumstances some people are in -rape, incest or perhaps the life of the mother.  With rape and incest as the case, I think the way the baby got here is awful.  ...