Things I Have Learned

  So I didn't get a post in for March, but I am shooting for at least two in April.  My time management as of late has not been the best.  But my sweet momma has told me to cut myself some slack.  That is hard to do, but I am trying.
  Today I am hoping to take my kiddos to Park Day.  You know how important these types of days are.  Sitting with your friends, watching the children play, talking, and laughing!  Such good times :0)
  I went to a Homeschooling Convention - their site is below  I had a great experience.  One of the classes I attended was about An Angry Mom.  The lady I heard is Wendy Speake.  She and her friend, Amber Lia, authored a book called Triggers - Exchanging Parents' Angry Reactions For Gentle, Biblical Responses.  This is just what the Lord had ordained for me to hear that weekend.  The first chapter is Disobedience.  I haven't finished it, but in the first couple of pages it mentions that parenting isn't easy.  I think sometimes we have this idea that when we have babies that it is going to be easier.  I have a friend that has six children and have asked her if parenting ever gets easier.  Her answer is genius.  Elizabeth Cooper Lopez, (I lovingly call her Coop), said to me that it doesn't get any easier but just different.
  As I sat in the class with two dear friends, I felt the Lord's Spirit drawing me to Him.  He has forgiven me time and time again for things I have said and done.  It was as if in that class, in that moment, He was saying, "Dear Child, I love you and I know that you can do this parenting job.  I have sent this precious lady who has walked in your shoes and has a tool for you.  You can do this!!"  See, I wasn't going to go into this class, but I forgot which one I had planned on going into, so I just went in with my friends.  I am so glad that I did. 
  One statement they make in this chapter speaks to me about how I am in my parenting.  They say,

"As parents we can camp out on a few select verses about justice and discipline, establishing a rigid routine for discipline.  However, I see far more biblical evidence throughout both the Old and New Testaments that supports an overarching attitude and character of patience, mercy, kindness, and grace extended towards us from a Holy God who loves us and gave Himself for us.  Even while we  were yet sinners.  Even when we were enemies.  Even when we reviled Him as He died on the cross for our sins....Proverbs 10:12 reminds us, 'Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses."

  So you can probably see how this was such a good place for me to be.  I have five children from 5 - 14.  In 9 years I had all of them.  One has special needs.  While he is sweet as can be, he has 3 therapists, a dentist, 10 specialists, his local dr., and his teachers at school.  My life is in a constant state of getting people here and there and making sure we are not late :)  Yes, I am a busy momma.  However, this doesn't give me license to yell at my children because I have had a stressful day.

  So this is where I am right now - learning to parent from peace and God's Word.  Learning to cut myself some slack.  Learning to manage my life so that I don't get stressed out.  I am so thankful the Lord loves me unconditionally and that He gives me chance after chance after chance.  Do I model that with my family?  I am learning :0)

  This song that I am ending with is probably one I have put in before, but after the stuff I have put in here, I think we need to do just what the song says -- it is called "Breathe."

  Know I am praying for you and your family as we all journey through our parenting together!!

Love, Blessings, and {{Hugs}},

  One more thing I have to put in here is a quote from their book that I LOVE..." Iron fists chisel stony hearts, but graceful hands shape responsive hearts."  I am going to really try to apply this -- more to come on the journey!  Take care!


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