I Wish You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  So our Christmas celebrations are wrapping up, and we are heading into a  New Year!  2017!!  Amazing!  I think the years are going by faster each year.  I have asked friends that are raising children, and they agree their 
children are getting older faster.  This year my family will be 44 (me), 43 (My Mr. Benson), 15 (Savannah), 12 (Siler), 10 (Sarah), 7 (Sully), and 6 (Sethman).  We will also celebrate our 19th wedding anniversary!!!   I am so excited to see what the Lord is going to bring about this year. 
   But Christmas is just freshly over.  How was it for you this year?  Was it fun with a little of that typical stress?  Was it sad? - you may have lost a loved one or received some not-so-merry news.  Was it completely stressful and you survived?  I think for me this year it was a combination of all of the above.  I have had some sad news as three people I know are dealing with cancer.  I know that the Lord has this in His hands but seeing the families first-hand deal with it is just so very sad!  I, of course, waited until a little late to finish up my shopping.  But, if you are like me, it is challenging to get to have time alone to finish it up.  I think I am going to adopt a genius idea of a friend of mine.  She had a Christmas box and bought a little at a time through the year.  I can aim for that this year!
  At Christmas time I love to hear the holiday music and the Message that Jesus was born and the reminder of why He was born.  A song I love to hear is "That's Why He Came."  It reminds us that He came for all the Lost and Lonely.  He came to mend our hearts and to complete the perfect plan that God had to redeem us to Him.  It is such a lovely time of year for we Christians because we know the end of the story.  Have you given your heart and life to Jesus?  I have, and I am so glad!  I am so thankful that I made that choice long years ago.  
  I am also glad that I am not alone in this journey - my Lord is along with me to carry my burden --Matthew 11:28-30King James Version (KJV)
28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. This set of scripture makes me think of a song that I want to share with you, "Breath of Heaven."  This song reminds me that the Lord has chosen me and you for a specific purpose.  He KNOWS that we are the ones that need to complete the task(s) that He has prepared us for in this life.  He also knows that we need to have a Companion. So, He has given us the sweet Holy Spirit.  Can you sense His spirit?  Even as I type and listen to this sweet song, I feel His presence.  Breath of Heaven, hold me together!  Be forever near me, Breath of Heaven!  
  My dear friends, I hope this has been a time you have been able to receive rest and encouragement!  I pray that this year will be one of joy, love, blessings, peace, prosperity, healing, provision, grace, mercy, hope, and the knowledge of the saving grace of Jesus Christ that is and always will be our greatest gift!  And is the one that keeps on giving!!

Love and blessings and {{Hugs}}!


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