Is Homeschooling With Toddlers Equal To Herding Cats?

Well, the answer to that is not easy.  It depends.  I think that when you have toddlers and older kiddos, you need to have a time that is a quiet time and use that for your harder subjects that your older kids need you to help them with.  That isn't an easy fix, is it?

But I see you, dear mom or dad, with your toddler that is running the school hahaha!  They are probably right now standing in a chair with disheveled hair, maybe has some clothes on, one sock, and is definitely clutching something in their chubby, little hand.

How do we do this?  How do we teach our older kids when we have these monsters, I mean, precious angels?  The answer is we just do it!  You and I both know that they toddler years, while difficult, are fleeting.  These babies are only little for a short time.  Here are some things that I did and some of my friends did that helped me when I was needing to teach my older kiddos.

1.  Pray and devotion time -- Before you start your day, pray with your children and share scripture with them.  Talk with them about what they would like to read and maybe some verses to memorize.  Remember, God wants to help us be successful!  If we begin and end our days with Him, they will be.  

2.  Include them --  They just want to be a part of the action.  If you are sitting at the table, have their "work" out, too.  Give them some coloring papers, their own supplies, and space.  Encourage them and tell them what a good job they are doing on their work.  You will be surprised how much you can get done.

3.  Distract them -- A couple of scenarios -- So, let's say that you are a mom of two.  You have an older kiddo and the toddler.  If you are working on something with your older kiddo, maybe you can give your toddler some busy toys to keep them occupied.  I know we are not supposed to always watch TV, but it may the that this is a good time for PBS, Veggie Tales, stuff like that to preoccupy them.  Then, dear mom or dad, use this time wisely!  Don't pull out your phone or other things!  Teach that kiddo the things that they need your help with!  It is SO easy for us to use the time to do things other than school.  Even the most disciplined of homeschooling parents have this struggle.  Take this time and be a good steward.  Another thought is with a lot of children.  Divide and conquer!  Have some of your kids play with the littles while you work with the older ones.  Then, switch it up.  Work with the littles yourself and let the older ones have some time to work and rest.  Be sure to not overwhelm your older kids too often.  You may unintentionally burn them out -- I am speaking from personal experience.  I am not saying don't ask them to do things, but I think just remember balance :0).

4.  Combine and Conquer! -- I was a late bloomer with this.  This is my one regret.  Let me be a cautionary tale!  When you teach subjects, like say literature, have everyone together.  Do read-alouds as a group.  Have prepared activities that they can do as a group.  Encourage writing down three sentences about what you read that day.  Then, by the time you are done with this, they will have the makings of a book report.  Thinking about things you can do together is super helpful.

5.  Feed them -- Sometimes those little babies need food.  I have had them help me make a snack and then sat them at the table to eat while we worked on school work.  They were happy to sit there and eat while we did our work.

6.  Create a routine -- You may not realize this, but you probably have one with your toddler.  Write down the things that you do every day for a week with your toddler.  Then, make a schedule -- a loose one, though because we all have unexpected things happen.  Post this where you can and use pictures, too.  This will help you and your toddler.  They may even start looking at their schedule and may help themselves with what they are able.

7.  Plan!!! -- If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.  Make time in your week to plan.  When we look at our calendars and see that there is no white space (Heidi St. John talks about this!!!), we are too busy,  Sure, we need fun times but must have times where we are not on the go.  Your home is a good thermometer of how busy you are!  So if you look around and can't see the surfaces of your tables, counters, and floors, then you are too busy.  Look up Fly Lady and Heidi St. John for some practical and helpful tips on gaining control.  

I know that there are a lot of other things, but these are a few that popped in my mind.  Remember that you cannot go back and change what you did.  However, you can change what you do and will do!  Be kind to yourself, mom and dad!  Parenting is hard work.  If done right, it will be so effective for you and your toddler and family as a whole.

I always like to end my posts with a song that relates to the post.  I have used this one before, but I think it relates to our busy lives!  Jesus tell us to give our burdens to Him.  In life with children, we can get busy and overwhelmed.  If we will also remember to give it to Him first, we will have more peace and order in our lives.  God, after all, is not a God of chaos!!!  Listen to this song, have a good cup or tea or coffee, and then go jump back into what you were doing!  You've got this :0).  Here is the song, "Breathe," by Jonny Diaz.

Take heart, my friend!  He has overcome the world!!!

Sending [[hugs]], love, and blessings your way!
Chandra :0)


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