Well, I cannot have any excuses for not writing other than I have been ULTRA busy. We have had a trip to Florida and North Carolina.  We have celebrated our 18th anniversary!!, Father's Day, and birthdays.  I have taken our Sully to several doctor and therapy visits.  The kiddos have all seen the dentist.  Friends and family have been in and out to visit.  Our garden, thanks in a big part to Mr. Benson, takes up some time, too.  General housekeeping, feeding kiddos, and animals (while Savannah is gone), takes up so much of our time.  VBS at our church, fellowship time and regular services are a big part of our lives.  And important news...I have gotten to scrapbook some!!!
  I really enjoy getting on here and putting my goings and doings.  I also like to share what the Lord is teaching me.  Just today, I have thought about our world and where it is going.  I have been thinking of late how the news is filled with so much negativity.  Whether you are a democrat, republican, libertarian, of the green party or whatever party is out there, it is evident that our world is changing.  I am a believer.  I believe that Jesus came years ago as a baby and lived out His life among the people and shared His love.  I believe that He did exactly what the Bible says.  I believe that He suffered and died.  I believe that He rose again.  More importantly, He is coming back to get His people.  I am so glad that I don't have to worry.  But sometimes I do :0(
  As a matter of fact, our pastor tonight has preached on the fact that the world is the way it is because of choices that all of us have made.  He has shared a verse that is one of my favorites.  As he put it tonight, it is God's prescription for what we need to do to help ourselves, our families, our country, and our whole world.  In 2 Chronicles it reads, "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."  The best things that I can do are in this verse!  I am so thankful that I have been at church tonight!  It has given me comfort and hope.  
  So the next time you start to be like me - like any normal human - and worry about the world and the state it is in, remember that God is in control.  I have heard it said from many that none of this has taken Him by surprise!  He is not trembling on that throne!  Oh no!  He is working while on that throne - waiting until just the right time and then BOOM!!!  People will not know what hit them - or maybe they will and it will be too late.  Let us keep on keeping on.  Keep sharing about what the Lord has done. Keep letting people know of your struggles and how even though it was hard, the Lord was there, is there, helping you and me and all of us to get through!  Let the love of Jesus shine through you to all around.  And when you mess up or others hurt you -- forgive and ask to be forgiven.  But that is a whole other entry!
  Sorry this is long, but I have two months to put in here -- LOL!  Like usual, I want to end with a song.  But since this is for two months, I am going to have two songs -- that can never be a bad thing!  The first one is "God is in Control" by Twila Paris, and the second one is "People Get Ready Jesus is Coming" by Crystal Lewis.  I love these two songs, and they go hand in hand in these days!

God continue to bless all of us!  Consider yourself {{hugged.}}

Love, {{hugs}}, and blessings!!!


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