Living Through Valleys

  Wow!  I have been away from here too long.  I have been like everyone else -- BUSY!  It is good though.  Since posting we have had several doctors appointments with Sully, homeschool things, and the dreaded three letter word that everyone dreads hearing  F L U!  Yes, our family had it.
  That is the valley that I am referring to in this post.  I want to walk you through what it is like to be in a family with 5 children and have the flu.  First of all, I have to let you remember that Sully has disabilities, so if he gets sick, it can be really bad.
  So it all began on February 22.  Seth, our 4 year old that is usually WIDE open, lies around with a high fever.  He feels terrible.  I begin medicines with him.  The next casualty - and if you are a momma, you know this is not good at all -- ME!  I think to myself when I get sick --- NOOOOOOOOOOO!  I go to the doctor to see what I have. She looks at me and says, "The flu test is positive.  You are not in the window to take the medicine, so it is going to be a few days of feeling rough."
  She is not kidding with me.  I sleep in the living room in a recliner along with the rest of the family.  My hopes are high that no one else gets sick.  I am wrong.  Like soldiers being knocked down one at a time, I see the rest of our family get the flu. We are all SO sick.  Fortunately, dear friends and family come to our aid.  They bring us food, drink, candy, chicken and rice soup, pizza, soda.  
  My husband has been working while the rest of us are sick.  Sadly, he comes in from finishing a job and looks at me.  I see the look.  He too has this awful flu!  He goes to lay down.  Sully, Savannah, Siler, Sarah, Seth, Benson, and myself all have fallen to this dreaded sickness.  I think to myself that I am never going to feel better again.  At one point I am in the kitchen helping get someone a drink or something to eat.  I am at the kitchen sink and look at some of the items that I have on the walls for encouragement.  This is the verse that I saw -   "The Lord is my strength and my shield;  my heart trusted in Him, and I am helped:  therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise Him."  Psalm 28:7  While inside I wanted to cry, the Lord gave me hope that He is going to help me and the rest get through this.   I have many friends that have gone through much, much worse sickness than this, so the valley they have gone through has been much deeper and longer.  However, this bought with the flu has been our valley!  Two weeks of that time of sickness has taught me that I never want to take my health or the family's health for granted!
  I love ending my posts with a song, so I am picking this one -- I Am Not Alone. Blessings to you and hope you have a wonderful rest of March!

Blessings, Love and {{Hugs}},


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