Happy Mother's Day!

  Mother's Day is a special holiday that dates back to, of course, the Greeks and Romans!  It seems like there are always one of these two people groups involved in holiday histories!  Anyway, I read a little bit on this on the History Channel website, and I find the story pretty interesting!
  Turns out the lady who wanted to have Mother's Day recognized as a holiday in America fought for part of her life to have it renounced as a holiday.  Quick story -- she had started a group where the ladies got together to learn to properly care for their children.  It was seen as a way of peace-making seeing that the time period was near the time before, during and after the Civil War.  The ladies hoped their coming together from both the Union and the Confederate states would promote that sense of peace and reconciliation!  Well, as usual, the card, flower, and candy industries wanted their "cut."  So, the commercialization of the holiday began.  This is what caused the founder of this holiday to fight against it.  If you get a chance, read a little more about it!  Very interesting information!
  We, as a country, still honor mother's today.  I want to honor a couple of mothers in my post - my mom and my mother-in-law.  Both have made a mark on my life and influenced me in ways in which I am eternally grateful!
  My mom is from Ohio.  In the late 60's she moved down to North Carolina to go to college.  She always joked that some of the girls went to get their "Mrs." degrees!  She attended college for two years, met my dad, and got married in 1970.  My brother and I came along in 1973 and 1975.  As my father has pointed out for years, that is exactly 18 months, 3 weeks and a day apart in our birthdays!  My mom had her hands full with two little kiddos so close in age!
  She stayed home with us for a period of time and then went back to work - that time in history was hard financially!  My mom and my dad both worked so that they could care for us and we could attend a Christian school.  That was very important to them - I am beyond thankful for their generous giving!  As time went on, my brother and I graduated and moved on to having families of our own.  I am sure that I can speak for him when I say we were so blessed - still are so blessed - to have our mom!
  She is the type that if you have a prayer need - she is on it!  I always tell her when to pray for me and things that others are dealing with.  She is in the Word!  She has such a wonderful way to recall scriptures for certain things that I might be dealing with.  She is SELFLESS if there ever has been one!  She has driven countless miles to get me somewhere while in school, to get me to college, to get me moved to my home in SC, to come to baby deliveries, anytime that I needed her!  She sings and lifts up the name of the Lord whenever I talk with her.  She truly exemplifies this verse, Ephesians 5:8 King James Version (KJV) For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light:.  That is something she always talks about - people having light on things and to live out life so that others will see the light of Jesus in us! I honor her for all that she is through the Lord!  
  My mother-in-law is a woman of the scriptures.  She strives to read her Bible through in a year - I know she has every year that I have known her, I am pretty sure.  She knows her scripture and can share a wealth of knowledge about many subjects.  Over her many years of raising 6 children, being a pastor's wife, taking care of other children (some of her 17 grandchildren), teaching other people's children, she has also finished her Bachelor's and Master's degrees. 
  She is one person that I see as having a patience like Job.  I can be around her when there are a million things going on, and she stays level-headed.  I am striving for that!! She, like my mom, has been at every baby delivery.  With her being a few minutes away, she has often ridden with us to the hospital.  She delivered all her 6 children naturally, so that was a benefit for me with my first three (the last two were c-section).
  She loves life - everything is fascinating to her.  She says that she thinks all jobs look interesting to her!  She is a fierce game player, too!  She is currently beating me in that game "Words With Friends."  She enjoys talking, praying, reading, teaching...the list goes on!  I am so thankful that I can call her my friend - I've often told people that I can't relate to the Mother-in-law jokes.  She is someone that has been with me through tragic times and joyous times!  I am so thankful for her in one more way - she gave birth, raised, and then gave me one of her children, my sweet husband, Benson.  For that I can never repay her!  I honor her this Mother's Day!
  I know this has been lengthy, and I can write more, but I want to close this out, as I have always done, with a song...Prayer Warrior (and, yes, I got a laugh out if the singers' big hair!).
  So, to my mom and mother-in-law, I wish you both a Happy Mother's Day!  I Love You Both So very Much!!!  To all of you out there - Happy Mother's Day!  May you feel loved and special on this day!!!

Love, {{HUGS}}, and Blessings!


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