
  Yes!  I am on a mission -- I am having our Thanksgiving dinner for our family of 7, and my mom and dad will be at our house this year.  This is the first time that it will be at my house and my parents  are coming.  We usually go up to their house, but my mom has business in Atlanta, so they are going to be here with us!  I made our first Thanksgiving dinner last year - I will add pictures.  I remember the menu, so I will get Sarah to write it out for me -- writing assignment!  We homeschool, so I like to "Kill two birds with one stone!"
  Since this year is flying by and I seem to be forgetting to do things, I wanted to get my "Thankful List" done so that I don't forget!  What in my life do I have for which to be thankful?  Well, more than what is on this list, but here is one for each day of November!!  
  1. Jesus' salvation gift!!!
  2. God's unending love and mercy!!
  3. The Holy Spirit's comfort and conviction!!
  4. My sweet husband, Benson!
  5. My five children!
  6. The Bible
  7. Our parents and extended family!
  8. Our 16x80 mobile home!
  9. Our 7.89 acres!
  10. My husband's business!
  11. Our chocolate brown suburban!!
  12. My Pator, his sweet wife and their son and our church family!
  13. My sweet friends over the years!
  14. Our sweet doggies, rabbits, and chickens! and our two goldfish!
  15. Coffee!
  16. Chocolate!
  17. The ability to exercise - even though I don't like I should :0)
  18. Living in the USA!!!
  19. Washer and dryer!
  20. My son's special area doctors, nurses, therapists, EI, teacher and assistants!!
  21. MNO! (Mom's Night Out!)
  22. The movie "The Princess Bride"
  23. Christian writers and singers!
  24. The chance to get to write a blog!!
  25. Homeschooling and my mom-in-law's Christian school!
  26. James M. Brown - where Sully goes to school!
  27. The turning of the leaves and FALL!
  28. Looking at Christmas lights at the end of November
  29. Hot chocolate!  Egg Nog!
  30. TURKEY, Dressing, deviled eggs, cranberry sauce with the berries, crescent rolls, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, cooked carrots, sweet potato pie, apple pie, and cherry pie - topped off with Cool Whip!  
  So now I have that done!  I can mark off the list of writing down what I am thankful for.  Since I don't get on the internet every day, I am posting this on FB so that I can be ahead of the game!!!  Which actually since I am not posting this when I had planned, I am now a bit behind - oh well! Good intentions :0)  
  I didn't write all that I am thankful for because I have so much to be thankful for!!  As usual I end my posts with a song, and I just have to put this one for it sums up as Christians what we have to be thankful  This is a guy and his guitar.  It is simple but so beautiful!  Enjoy and think of all the reasons we have to be thankful this November month.  kevin cassidy, (cover) so much to thank him for - YouTube

Happy Upcoming Thanksgiving!!


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