Well, this is another day in the Kerr house.  I haven't mentioned anything about who makes up our household, so today I thought I would.  I am going to be brief - those who know me are probably laughing as I am sometimes a Chatty Cathy :0)

Anyway, I am 40 1/2 years old - I am and always have been big on that 1/2 year.  I am a Christian.  I got saved as a young child, but I was 12 when I made a serious commitment to the Lord.  Ever since then, I have been making strides in learning about the Lord, His character, and His plan for me.  I felt the call on my life at the age of 16 to go into teaching.  I graduated from one of the best schools (Wesleyan Christian Academy) with one of the GREATEST group of people that I had a privilege of spending some 9 to 13 years of school with.  Some of them we were even in kindergarten together!  In any case those were some good times!  My parents and I helped get me through college/university.  It was so neat to me that I began at Central Wesleyan College and then graduated from Southern Wesleyan University.  College was an absolutely wonderful experience.  I had the joy and honor of attending with some of my classmates from high school.  What a blast we had!  I will share some fun stories of that later.  On to graduating university and into the real world of teaching!!  I loved working at Oconee Christian Academy for 7 years.  I met my husband because of teaching there - another story :0).  In 2002 I had our first child, Savannah.  I began my journey of homemaking and homeschooling. Currently, I am still at home with 5 children now, 2 dogs, 5 rabbits, 10 chickens and 4 chicks.  Gardening, hiking, camping, fishing, cooking, homeschooling, church, choir, taking pictures, scrapbooking, fb, blogging (now), reading, watching tv, and spending time with family fill up my days.  This is a tiny part about me, Chandra.

Now the rest of my family probably don't want me to talk too much about them personally, so I will be general.  Benson is my sweet husband of 16 years.  He is our Master Gardner here!  He can do amazing things with soil, fertilizer and seed.  He is also able to build, repair vehicles, hunt, fish, camp, hike, climb trees, AMAZING!  He loves the Lord Jesus and was saved at a young age, too.  What a blessing it is to be married to this wonderful man.  He has been my rock when I have been going through some really hard times.  I will just say that when I have needed him to hear me, he listens.  He can make me and the children laugh - oh he can make us laugh.  He has such a neat family history, too.  I would love, and now that I  have this, I want to write about his family and some of their stories.  If nothing else, at least the kids will have it for later.  Benson said to me one day that the Lord laid on his heart that he wanted our family to glorify Christ in all we do.  I am striving with Jesus' and Benson's help to make this happen.  What a blessing this man is to me!!

The five kids are a blessing and a challenge.  Savannah is going to be 12 in August!  She is my right arm, second momma, and at times, a shoulder to cry on.  She has been there with me from the beginning of my - what I like to call - Obstetric Journey!  Her ability to draw and write children's stories is amazing!  I am hoping that I can get her to make our Christmas cards this year.  It is going to be neat and at times REALLY hard these next few years as she goes from child to tween.

Siler is 9 1/2.  He loves to be outside.  His ability to build things is uncanny.  He has gone into the woods, chopped down baby trees, made them into long logs and nailed them to make forts and club houses.  He really loves our church.  He is also really great at scripture memory.  I enjoy spending time with him when we go to the store.  He has such a sweet heart, and I am really thankful he is my oldest boy.

Sarah - aka Sweet, Sweet Sarah, is that.  She is also a bit of a firework!  Her head is full of curly locks, just beautiful!  Her personality is one of helping, laughing, intense emotion, dare I say a little bit of a DQ (Drama Queen).  She has been such a HUGE helper when it comes to the babies, though.  About every day, she will ask me what she can do to help.  What a blessing!  And -- she LOVES school!  I am interested to see what is going to take place in her life over these years.

Sully - aka Sully Wully - Wow!  Where do I begin.  I could blog just about him.  He is an amazing boy.  One of these times, I will write about our journey - it will take several chapters for sure.  I have been blessed indeed by him.  It has been super-amazing to see how the Lord has healed him in ways and brought him through some very trying times.  Sullivan touches my heart every day.  I love to hold him and tickle him.  His smiles brighten up my days for sure.  As he is growing, he is developing his own personality.  One of his teachers and several therapists have let us know (in LOVE) that he has a bit of a stubborn streak.  I am actually glad that he has this because I think it means there is a personality developing.  There is some healing in his brain.  Wow!  What a privilege it is to have him - to think that the Lord thought enough of me, Benson and our family that He would be so good to give us this gift in Sully!  He is AMAZING!

Seth - means "God Appointed."  And our Seth was indeed.  For I have always wanted to have 4.  We did, but the Lord had His plan.  That is also for another entry!  This little fella and I have had a challenge this past year.  He is going to be three in October, so you can imagine, he has been a handful!  However, I will say that I am SO glad that the Lord allowed us to have him.  He has been my BFF (I joke about it, but it seems true!).  Everyday this summer, we have gone outside to swing and dig holes.  It has been in these times that I have been able to go outside, read the Bible, do devotions, read home organization books, look at cookbooks - in a since I have had some really great times when we have been outside!  Although it is a challenge to have a little guy, he is our last child.  Boy, our last one.  I am enjoying him and remembering and experiencing because -- Time is fleeting!

I am ending our family introduction with a link (I hope) to a Point of Grace song - "This Day."  It has been one that I have often had come to mind.  It reminds me to enjoy, experience, and hold onto the day at hand. Soon the days will be gone!  I hope that this touches your heart as it has touched mine --
 This Day by Point of Grace - YouTube

Love & Blessings!


  1. Lovely family! I will enjoy knowing them through your eyes and heart!
    Pat Peele

  2. Pat!! Hey! I am so glad that you liked it :) I think it may be something I really get to enjoy doing :) I haven't forgotten about MNO, and I will get back to them! Have a great weekend!!


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