Help for a Troubled Heart --
One Sunday we were in our church service, and our Pastor ministered to my spirit. He talked about how we could make it through difficult times. I want to share with you some thoughts that I wrote down from Pastor Greg Marcus's sermon. He read from John 14:1-4. He mentioned how chapter 13 had just had the Disciples go through some pretty challenging things. Things didn't look good for them, and sometimes, things don't look good for us. The title of his message was "Help For a Troubled Heart." He shared with us that we should learn to escape our fears. I know that this is harder for some than others. Some of us have more challenges in this as we deal with anxiety or depression. It can seem impossible. Pastor Greg shared that when fear creeps that we need to seek help in the scripture. Think about it! The very power that Jesus has can be ours, too. We just have to seek Him and trust. Isn't that s...