Four Days Until Christmas

"For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.  And this shall be a sign unto you.  Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.  And suddenly, there was with the angel a multitude of heavenly hosts praising God and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest! And on Earth peace and good will toward men'."
I don't know about you, but sometimes I read this set of verses, and it helps ground me.  Are any of you like me where you get a "down in the dumps" attitude during the "Most wonderful time of the year?" And my reason is kind of silly.  It is the presents!  Y'all, I get so caught up in gift-getting and hoping that I get the right things that I can work myself into a silly mopey attitude!  Why, why in the world do I get like this?  I think it has to be that maybe I don't start early enough with buying and get stressed out because I don't know if I have enough.  I also have to say that I love my family SO much that I want to show them with stuff.
In looking at the reasoning behind this, I think I can solve it with a few things.  One, I can start buying earlier so I don't get stressed out.  Two, I can talk with the family and tell them my thoughts.  I don't like feeling stressed about presents.  It does rob us of joy.  The last thing is that I can really stop and focus on the One in which we celebrate.  Take time to sit and reflect on Him. Jesus! Prince of Peace! Mighty God! The everlasting Father!  He loves us SO much, so much so that I get overwhelmed!  We don't deserve heaven, yet He loves us so much that He wants us to be there with Him!  I just think it is such a privilege to know Him and be loved by Him, in the good times and the bad.  
My dear friend, do you know Him in your heart?  Do you have the peace in knowing that if something were to happen to you right now that you would be with Him?  I pray that you do!  All we have to do is confess that we are sinners, believe on Him and ask Him to come into our hearts!  From there you have the sweet Holy Spirit right there beside you.  
Well, I feel so much better having talked to you!  I appreciate you all reading these thoughts of mine.  It really helps to let it out lol! 
As usual, I want to leave you with a song.  I love "O Holy Night," and one of my favorite singers, David Phelps, just sings it so amazingly well!  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!  Grab a cookie, coffee or tea, and sit and listen.  He is near to you right now!  Just listen and feel the presence of the Lord! O Holy Night
I just love each of you out there!  May the Lord bless you and keep you as you continue on the journey He has for you. And know that you are never, ever alone 💗!
Love, {{hugs}}, and blessings!
:0) Chandra 


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