Hey! I am just checking in on you :0)

This was on the way down the mountain one morning -- I stopped and safely took the picture :0). Hello! I hope this find you doing well! I am - and the rest of the family are still in our quarantine. We only go out for food, parking lot church service, and work. God has been so good and kept His hand on us! I have told others that if you had to quarantine, it is so much better to do it here in America! We have comfortable homes and food. Even though we may have had times we have had to look for toilet paper, we are still much better off than some countries! So, up on the mountain at our house, it is gardening season! Most of the time, I have left this to Benson. But, this year, I have gone up with him more and helped him with weeding. I am learning how to weed with a hoe -- I am NOT good at it yet. I am so afraid that I am going to destroy the baby vegetables! Anyway, we have planted a little but plan...