
Showing posts from January, 2019

January Musings

  I cannot believe that January is almost over!  It just seems like I put the Christmas tree up.  I actually don't mind it, though.  I am not a huge fan of the cold.  Benson is - he is what I like to call a "Human Heater."  LOL!  But I have to say that I do love the beauty of winter.  The ice on trees and the ground are pretty spectacular.  Our Australian Shepherd, Bear, loves the snow.  It feels good to him.  I guess it is like anything else where you can find the good in things.   With January being the "Sanctity of Life" month, I have to say that I find good in it.  Sadly there are people in our world that do not agree with me on when life begins and abortion.  I do not see why we need to get rid of a baby.  I know that yes there are awful circumstances some people are in -rape, incest or perhaps the life of the mother.  With rape and incest as the case, I think the way the baby got here is awful.  ...