Endings and Beginnings!

Wow!  I think our sickness in November and then our Christmas busyness kept me from posting.  But I am back lol!

I have been having a wonderful time off of the usual doings at what we call "Camp GrandmaPoppa!" My parents have had us up for our family Christmas.  We have had a wonderful time.  I have three days left until reality hits.  But that is ok.  One can only handle so much down time.

To update you on where life is for me at the end of 2018, I am still meeting two goals I set at the beginning of the year - not perfectly but better than other years.  I am still getting to homeschool with a 10th, 8th, 6th and 1st grader, and  Sully is in his 4th year at Keowee Elementary.  Benson has had a great year with his flooring installation business, and we give the Lord all the glory for it!  I have decided to try to take on working for a company called VIPKid that teaches Chinese children English.  I am new, so I haven't started teaching a lot but am hopeful 😊 We still live on a small farm with several animals and are enjoying that.

But I didn't write this to be a bragging letter or anything like that, but I just wanted to let you know how we are so far.  2018 has been a year of blessings and answered prayers.  I am excited to see what the Lord has in-store for us in this year to come.  No matter what or where, the Lord has been right with me and right with you through our lives.  If you are a Christian, you get to know it on a different level.  I can only describe it as a feeling you get.  You know that heart fluttering yet kind of heavy feeling?  Anyway, I just know that is the way I feel about having Jesus and the Holy Spirit and the Heavenly Father with me.

Do you have that same peace?  It is really easy to have.  You just confess you are a sinner, believe on the Lord that He died and rose again, and ask Him to come into your heart and save you from your sins.  After that you get on the path of being a Christian - find a good church and just go and get involved!  Read the Bible and pray.  And go be a shepherd from the Bible story!  Go and tell the good news of what the Lord has done.

Life is not going to be perfect after your saved, but it is going to be more peaceful.

I love to share songs at the end of each post.  This one called "Breath of Heaven" blesses my heart each time I hear it.  Listen and let the Lord speak to you!

May the Lord bless your journey in the coming 2019 year! ❤️


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