Living Through Valleys
Wow! I have been away from here too long. I have been like everyone else -- BUSY! It is good though. Since posting we have had several doctors appointments with Sully, homeschool things, and the dreaded three letter word that everyone dreads hearing F L U! Yes, our family had it. That is the valley that I am referring to in this post. I want to walk you through what it is like to be in a family with 5 children and have the flu. First of all, I have to let you remember that Sully has disabilities, so if he gets sick, it can be really bad. So it all began on February 22. Seth, our 4 year old that is usually WIDE open, lies around with a high fever. He feels terrible. I begin medicines with him. The next casualty - and if you are a momma, you know this is not good at all -- ME! I think to myself when I get sick --- NOOOOOOOOOOO! I go to the doctor to see what I have. She looks at me a...