August Update

Wow!  Another month has come and is almost gone!  In our home the month of August is like one big party month!  We start with Savannah's - our oldest who has turned the big 1-3.  Yes, we are officially parents of a teenager :0)  Sarah's is at the end of the month and is 8.  I love our birthday celebrations.  They are full of family, friends, and fun.

This month is also a start for many of school.  I now have all five in school.  Two in Christian school, one in public school and two homeschooling.  So far it is going okay.  I don't really enjoy the early hours, but I think we have gotten better about is called GOING TO BED at a decent hour.  Sadly, I have given up watching Jimmy Fallon through the week.  I can stay up on Friday nights to catch his "Thank you notes" segment.  Other than that is early to bed early to rise - which I posted this one time before - it causes a struggle within me.  So far my morning girl is beating out my nightowl girl  LOL!

I did find out this summer that I have sleep apnea.  No wonder I have been so tired all the time!  My husband has been asking me for the last 13 years to get a sleep study done.  So, I did and there you go.  I wish I had been able to take a picture of me the night I slept with the cpap machine. I had so many wires on!  The next morning I felt pretty good.  I could tell a difference in my rest.  I can't wait to see what it is going to do for me and my energy level!

Let's see, we have been in school for almost two weeks.  It is going pretty well.  One thing that we are doing is Savannah is working on her SC State Project.  I am guiding her, but she is finding the information and the pictures.  Later next month, we are getting to go to the beach!!!  I hope we will get to take her to Charleston so she can see some of the things that she is studying.

I was looking at a perpetual calendar that a dear friend - Gaile Adams - gave to me my first year as a teacher.  I came across a couple of thoughts that I would like to share with you - These are by Gloria Gaither --

"We deal with reality at two points in our lives - birth and death.  If only we could always live our days with as clear a vision of the things that matter as we do at those two times."

"I have the responsibility and joy of becoming more and more aware of the eternity in every moment.  The most important things in our lives right now last forever."

Two heavy statements for this mother of 5 to digest.  I am responsible along with my husband to teach our children the way they should go.  Of what REALLY matters.  Although I am not teaching all of them throughout the day and am getting some help, I AM the one that needs to get across to them the important, forever things that matter!  I am praying for myself as I know some of you do, that the Lord will help me in this journey to do just that!

Well, I know that I always end with a song, so I am going to post this song - I love it and know it will bless you, too.  It is the song Where My Feet May Fail.

Love, Blessings, and {{Hugs}},



  1. Our actions are sometimes the most important things we teach.


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