August Update
Wow! Another month has come and is almost gone! In our home the month of August is like one big party month! We start with Savannah's - our oldest who has turned the big 1-3. Yes, we are officially parents of a teenager :0) Sarah's is at the end of the month and is 8. I love our birthday celebrations. They are full of family, friends, and fun. This month is also a start for many of school. I now have all five in school. Two in Christian school, one in public school and two homeschooling. So far it is going okay. I don't really enjoy the early hours, but I think we have gotten better about is called GOING TO BED at a decent hour. Sadly, I have given up watching Jimmy Fallon through the week. I can stay up on Friday nights to catch his "Thank you notes" segment. Other than that is early to bed early to rise - which I posted this one time before - it causes a struggle within me. So far my ...