A Homeschooling Thought! - scrapbooking with a twist!

Just want to write something down that I am going to try!  I homeschool two of our 5 - well, I guess we all really teach our children, just some in a little different way!  I was a teacher for 7 years at Oconee Christian Academy.  Wonderful experience!

Anyway, we use a curriculum that has the book built into the workbook.  I really like it. The information is broken down into bite-size parts, followed by a check-up.  We have been using this for 7 years.  I have just gotten to thinking about my girls.  Both have a HUGE artistic bent, so I want to capitalize on it.  I think what I am going to start is scrapbooking as a means of reviewing their PACES.

What my plan is, and I am putting this out here as a means to 1) Help my brain remember my thought and 2) that if by chance a homeschooler/teacher reads this, it may be of help to them, too!  Back to the plan!  

  1. Get them to write out the information on a plain piece of paper
  2. Draw or cut out a picture to what the information refers
  3. Glue into a notebook
  4. Include items along the way that might go along with our subject
I think as we do this, it will be a better way for them to study for their tests rather than just paper and pen.  Some professor in college say that the more senses that are involved with learning, the better chance a person has of retaining.  And more importantly, I think the girls are going to enjoy it better!  

As we journey on with this activity, I am going to try to take pictures and post myself of how things are going!  

Gotta end with a song, so, What a wonderful world - LOUIS ARMSTRONG. - YouTube !!  As I listen to this man sing this wonderful song, it is the perfect song for this post!

{{Hugs}} and Blessings!


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