Children and Jesus' Love
I have 5 children - we love them and are so thankful for them. That said, they can drive me BANANAS!! LOL! Did I say that out loud? I am currently in this age group with these precious kiddos -- Savannah 12 1/2, Siler 10, Sarah 7 1/2, Sully 5, and Seth 3. Now that is a spread. On a typical day Siler and Sully are up around 6:45 am to go to school. Sully attends a local public school for special needs. Siler is attending my in-laws church school. Currently, they have 4 boys. Siler really has begun to make some wonderful progress!! The girls get up around 8. Seth gets up whenever. We get our breakfast and then school and math tutoring begins. In addition to teaching the girls, I take care of all of Seth's needs. If you have ever homeschooled while having a toddler, well, I liken it to herding cats -- that is going to be a post all by itself! Anyway, the girls are trying to do school with Set...