These are SO GOOD!

I want to say that it is no secret that I am working on weight loss.  I have been doing that since I was an older teen.  Now that I am almost 41, I am battling the wonderful slow-down of my metabolism.  I have found a book that has a neat way of helping you make great choices while eating REAL food.  I am not having to give up any food group, so that is a plus - cause I LOVE bread :0)

Anyway, I was in the store with my girls and Seth - who was asleep, so that made it easier as he is almost 3 - not going there LOL!  We went to look for some healthy snacks, when we came upon these --

I had one today with a cup of hot tea that only had a teaspoon of sugar, and it was HEAVENLY!  I don't say that lightly.  It was so good.  I am excited about finding this snack - Dollar General, 6 for $2.50!  Above you can see the nutrition information.  Now these are not huge - smaller than a computer mouse.  However, with them being only 90 calories, if you had a tablespoon of peanut butter with it and something low or no calorie to drink, then you have a perfect snack.

I will post things from time to time about this kind of stuff because I love nutrition and finding things that are tasty yet not horrible for you.  Now don't get me wrong!  I am by no means getting rid of my chocolate, but I am trying to find other things that are better for me to snack on :0)

I have been trying to end my posts with a song.  Although this one is not at all related to food or lemon bars, it is about the mercy of the Lord!  I was trying to find something that Chonda Pierce said about spanx - because that story is SO funny - and came across this instead.  I had to put it.  Because no matter where we are in our walks with Him, He is so faithful!!  Please remember that you are loved by Jesus.  So listen and be blessed!

Love and {{hugs}}!


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