Chapter 6 - Whining and Complaining!
Wow has February flown by or what??? I think January was just slower because of our coming down off of two months of Hallmark Christmas movies -- which I own some of so now I can watch whenever I want!!!! LOL! :0) But as a homeschooling teacher, I am like all other educators and really wanting Spring Break asap! We are still trucking along, but I can see my kiddos are getting weary. I am giving us a long weekend in March, though, because I am going to the Great Homeschool Convention! I love getting to go - it refuels my tank to keep on doing what I am doing as a mom and a wife. If you have been following me, I have been sharing (with permission) some parts of a tremendous book that I think all people should read by Amber Lia and Wendy Speake. It is the book Triggers: Exchanging Parents' Angry Reactions For Gentle Biblical Responses . This chapter I am in is the title of this post -- Whining and Complaining. Now ...