Dealing With a Strong Willed Child - sharing from the book Triggers
I am still reading the Triggers book by Amber Lia and Wendy Speake. It is such a help to me as I am in the process of parenting - along with my Mr. Benson - our five children. It is an area that I am still struggling with. One thing I will say that I have gotten a lot from this book is to look to the Lord for the words I need to say to my children. I know -- easier said than done! That is true, but I think that as we read the Bible and study and try to plan what we can say in certain situations, it may help us in this journey. If you are done with your parenting, it may be that you can help out another parent with their journey. You may be in a time where you don't have any kiddos. I can say that this information is still helpful because it arms you with how to deal with other people and different situations. The chapter I have read this time is called "Strong-Willed Children." Amber Lia shares about a lady tha...