Trusting Him in All Things
So have you been like me and lately, I don't want to say worrying, but I guess thinking about our children and their future? I am a homeschooling momma, so I am responsible for educating my children. I get to where I think, "What is Siler going to do? What are Savannah and Sarah going to do? What will Seth end up doing?" And good grief, who will take care of Sullivan? These things stay on my mind and then I end up thinking and a little bit of worrying and immediately Proverbs 3:5-6 come to mind. I know you know these verses: Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; Lean not unto thine own understanding In all thy ways acknowledge Him And He shall direct thy paths Looking at these verses I have to think to myself am I doing that right now? It is just like the song, "I Surrender All." It is so easy to read this and say okay, Lord, I am trusting in You. It is another to actually do it. I thi...