It is Valentine's Day -- Happy Valentine's Day to you! I know this has been quite a year for many of you. Some of you have lost loved ones, so this day may be bittersweet. For others this may be a holiday of time with your loved ones. I know B.C. - lol, Before Children - we used to have a romantic dinner and enjoyable time alone. Now that we have the five little people, we have morphed our day into family time. And I am really okay with that. The more I read and talk to others, the more I realize that one day I will miss all the chaos that is my life. Are you in that season with me? If so, let us embrace this time. As Point of Grace sings in a song, "This day is fragile, soon it will end, and once it has vanished, it will not come again." I think of love on Valentine's a little differently than when I was younger. I used to expect to get something. Flowers, candy, card - anything. Now, I am not ...