Experiencing Mercy and Love
Today was an unusual day. Benson had the day off, so I took Siler down for school. Since both our little guys were feeling a little yucky - due to the lovely, early fall flowers blooming - and we were not going to therapy, I decided to do a little grocery shopping. Okay, big grocery shopping since we have a big family :0) Benson had gotten paid and given me some money to deposit. I mentioned to him that I would use some for groceries. He said that was fine and deposit the rest. So here I had some money. I should have put it in my wallet, but I put it in my pocket. I know most of you are saying to yourself, "Oh no!" for you already have guessed what I am about to share with you. Yes, I did buy our large amount of groceries. I felt good being able to walk around the store and getting our needs and some of our wants. I went up to the front and paid for our groceries. This is where my story gets really sad. ...